Story with famous pictures!

Jan 3, 2015 By Deepa Gopal
Deepa Gopal's picture

These are some of the most famous American photographs of the 20th century. Your challenge is to use these pictures (in any order you wish), and weave together a story of no more than 2-3 paras!



This was a tough one. Those who attempted a good story that weaved the pictures together, have been declared winners! That would be: sydneym5, El-Miracle Akpan, unicorn, Clara Roberts, and Tryn28.


|sydneym5|El-Miracle Akpan|unicorn|Clara Roberts|Tryn28||


julietter's picture
julietter March 4, 2015 - 9:02am

no way I like those pictures.

sydneym5's picture
sydneym5 February 13, 2015 - 2:31pm
Faith-Emmanuela's picture
Faith-Emmanuela February 6, 2015 - 10:03am

"t is not over yet?"

shawnj3's picture
shawnj3 February 3, 2015 - 8:10pm
I admire albert and I wish that one day I might even be smarter than him.
Faith-Emmanuela's picture
Faith-Emmanuela January 30, 2015 - 11:38am
This is the story of the Independence of Nigeria. A long time ago on First October 1960 Nigeria got independence it all happened when white people ruled Nigeria because they thought they were super because of their skin color so one day one black man had enough of it but he could not win the war on his own so when he convinced some people.After they went to their master to tell him but instead he doubled their work and went to court and for punishment he sent the leader's dear friend away. so one day they left to gather many people soon the white soon tried to stop them so after they ambushed the whites after a very long time of battles between blacks and whites on one battle when the whites were retreating one of them shot his toe without the risk of him being dead he shot his toe to blame the blacks so the whites could get angrier and kill all blacks after he blamed blacks so after he died the whites planed revenge on one battle they were killed in court and after a few years slavery of blacks was stopped.
S9E9r's picture
S9E9r May 10, 2015 - 8:11am

Really cool!

Faith-Emmanuela's picture
Faith-Emmanuela February 10, 2015 - 9:36am
sydneym5's picture
sydneym5 January 28, 2015 - 2:02pm

There once were 11 boys sitting on a crane.(Pete) The first 1 said remember the revolution our country America won!(Drew) The 2nd one said I remember that it was very dark!(Troy) The 3rd one said remember the mother and her children who's husband/father died in the revolution! (Fred)The 4th one said that was so sad there father/husband gave his life in that war.(Liam) The 5th one said remember Albert Einstein he was amazing.(Kim) The 6th one said yes he was and brilent.(Sam) The 7th one said do you think albert was related to the family who's father/husband died? (Luc)The 8th one said mmmm this sandwich is good.(max) The 9 the one said this is an intresting book. (Bill) The tenth one said what if Albert was those kids and mother's father/husband? Bill! I was joking sorry. THE END!

andrewd2's picture
andrewd2 January 26, 2015 - 2:38pm


andrewd2's picture
andrewd2 January 23, 2015 - 11:08am


sydneym5's picture
sydneym5 May 1, 2015 - 3:02pm

thank you

El-Miracle Akpan's picture
El-Miracle Akpan January 22, 2015 - 10:54am

When is this ending?

awesomeguy2014's picture
awesomeguy2014 January 21, 2015 - 7:43pm

too long

sophieh's picture
sophieh January 20, 2015 - 1:01pm

we are soon or later going to fall down but we will always get up and atac back but ladies and children will die so we will to reapopulat

sydneym5's picture
sydneym5 January 29, 2015 - 1:40pm

oh your rude

El-Miracle Akpan's picture
El-Miracle Akpan January 20, 2015 - 8:28am


During 1966,there were a group of friends;who engaged in a group called the Revolution of Europe.They were consisting of 11 young lads named Ricky,Jon,Lancer,Bob,Jake,Alfred,Arthur,Saul,Samuel,Nicky,Thomas.They all sat together on a skyscraper,hoping that one day they would be known as heroes.Then Thomas said to Samuel,"Don't you think we should prepare for the upcoming war?I mean that if we want be known as WAR heroes we should prepare,right?". All of his friends agreed.John contributed by saying,"Yes,I think that we should all go to the master of war and the world;Albert Einstein.". Yes!they all chorused.They then approached his home and were kindly invited. Jon said" Grandpappy, do you have any tips for us,for when we grow up to be soldiers?". Albert Einstein replied "Yes" and gave them all they needed to know.They later graduated and performed excellently in the military that they were the TOP in command.

There was a great war between the Axis and Allied powers;they each tried to conquer each other but failed,caused a lot of suffering for their people;vowing NEVER TO END until a side has won.The Allied Powers only needed 11 good soldiers/generals to fill in the empty spot,so the Revolution of Europe was called.During a secret and special meeting,they traded facts about a woman named Sequoyia a female leader of the Navajo tribe which was filled with great warriors ,and agreed that the next day they should set out to America.they met her, and gave her gifts in return for information and soldiers.She gave them what she owed them, and after 3 months of fighting and war,the Allied powers won.To celebrate their victory and HUGE achievement,on the 17th May 1968 Jon,Nicky,Alfred,Arthur,raised the American flag.The rest of the group did not come because they were handling important documents that contained important national/financial information.They died 38 years later after fighting for the Berlin wall in Germany.They were remember as heroes and and role models by the people and their family.Their children,grandchildren,great-grandchildren and future generations were proud and always carried on the family legacy and famous motto:"Be true to yourself,decide YOUR future,and expect great things to come.",which in the whole of Europe was never forgotten.


sammy138's picture
sammy138 January 8, 2017 - 3:22pm

No offence but Albert Einstein HATED war. By the way he's my idol.

zoea's picture
zoea January 22, 2015 - 2:41pm


rahuln's picture
rahuln January 21, 2015 - 6:32pm

Uh... Why are you telling us one of your projects?

El-Miracle Akpan's picture
El-Miracle Akpan January 22, 2015 - 10:52am

what do you mean?

Tryn28's picture
Tryn28 January 17, 2015 - 4:05pm

did anyone win

unicorn's picture
unicorn January 15, 2015 - 12:49pm

“One day we are going to fall,”Dave explained to Albert as they walked across the metal beam. They were just sitting in a row with the other workers for a break, but it was now over. They were to continue building skyscrapers. Dave and Albert Einstein knew that if they fell it would be instant death. Albert cared less for his life then Dave and so as a joke he pretended to start falling.
“No!”Dave cried hurrying towards Albert. Boys down below who saw the action turned there heads into their mother’s back. But everything was fine. Albert laughed and stuck his tongue out as they continued to walk.
Dave looked down below at the civil war battle field that was being cleared. He looked as workers pushed the American flag back up out of the debris. Dave knew he had life good, but death was only below.

iChristian's picture
iChristian January 15, 2015 - 8:55am

Einstein said to his wife and grandkids that when he was 23 he was on a beam of a building hundreds of feet up, and his buddy helped set up a flag with other soldiers.

Shortest story. ever.

ajian's picture
ajian January 14, 2015 - 9:27am


How do you do this

cassiew's picture
cassiew January 13, 2015 - 11:41am


sammy138's picture
sammy138 January 10, 2015 - 4:06pm


kay45621's picture
kay45621 January 10, 2015 - 11:07pm

Use your imagination people! Its not hard

fluffybirds6's picture
fluffybirds6 January 9, 2015 - 5:00pm

ummmmmmmmmm.....................way too hard.

Clara Roberts's picture
Clara Roberts January 8, 2015 - 10:33pm

The sun beat down in gleamings rays on the 11 tired workers sat in a line across a long beam. One of them held a newspaper and was reading off the contexts while the others stuffed their mouths with the precious food. Any food at all was dear to them.
"Lookie here!" drawled owner of the newspaper. "My Britches! Would you look at this picture. The wars over!"
A hoot sang out among the soot cover men and with rough fingers and exclamations, the newspaper was passed along. A black and white picture covered almost the whole front page. Four men stood pushing a American flag in the center of a battle field. The words: WAR IS WON were printed just below. Jimmy, the youngest of the group, was starin at his toes that seemed to be float a thousand feet above New York City.
"Do ya think that it will stop the depression and all?" He called over the other men's voices. The owner of the newspaper, Dan, smiled through his thick beard.
"By golly! I do! With people like them Albert Einstein and all, I can see this country back to a good state!"
Another cheer rippled through the hot air and suddenly below them, a chorus of whoops and cheers filled the streets of Manhattan. The news was everywhere. The was was over.

sammy138's picture
sammy138 January 8, 2017 - 3:23pm

Now this is great.

Tryn28's picture
Tryn28 January 4, 2015 - 4:00pm

it was in the late 1930s. a group of workers sitting on a beam hundreds of feet above manhattan were eating lunch. one had a baloney peanut butter sandwich. "yum. my mary ann may be hard put to it to find food with the depression, but she is one master cook." " another said " I don't knw about your mary ann, but that hitler over in germany sure is cookin up a storm. he's has occupied the czech, austria, and poland. if i miss my guess, we'll have war before long. that guy has even banished the jews, including einstein from germany!. suddenly, the city was rocked with a strange cosmic boom. later, the workers found outthat war had been declared at just that moment.

cassiew's picture
cassiew January 4, 2015 - 9:23am

this is hard...